Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Since I only ever blog about super controversial topics, I decided to add feminism to my
arsenal. People have been posting about the recent misogynistic shooting that happened in Isla Vista and I've been seeing #yesallwomen pop up all over Facebook. It's always a tragedy that people are mistreated and my heart breaks for the people affected by men taking advantage of women. Or women taking advantage of men. People kind of suck sometimes.

Maybe I'm ill equipped to deal with this topic because I've been treated incredibly well by men--my dad is one of the kindest men in existence, and my fiance is respectful and gentle and protective. I love the fact that they are leaders and while they honor the women in their life and treat them as equals, they understand that they are looked to as the leader in their relationships. I know that probably sounds horribly old-fashioned on paper (or a computer screen I guess) but it's a beautiful reality when lived out by men like my dad and Jacob. I gladly would give up my plans, dreams, expectations, and comfort in submission to Jacob's decisions. And it's not at all unkind of him to accept that from me because he loves me and desires good for me. He's a man, and I'm a woman, and dear freaking goodness that's okay. 

Anyway. My point really just boils down to this: to the men in my life (grandfathers, uncles, cousins, friends, brothers-in-law, dad, and my fiance) thank you for caring for me and all the other women in your life the way Christ does. I wish all the mistreated women in the world could know men like you. And to all the women in the world, including me at times, shame on us for ever manipulating or withholding grace from the men in our lives who are far from perfect. We are imperfect. They are imperfect. We're all really horribly broken in ways I think we might even find surprising and offensive.

And we all need to be perfectly loved. I think we cling to specific attributes of us in order to convince ourselves that we are deserving of love, but truly I think none of us deserve to be treated well at all. We're all very selfish and demanding and harsh. But I think we're also loved and valued and God doesn't ask us to be deserving of love. He just lavishes love on us. And so even more than I'd give up anything for Jacob, I'd give my existence for Christ. And it's not unkind of him to accept that from me because he loves me and desires good for me. See how that works?

So I guess I don't have a ton of thoughts specifically on feminism. I just think the man-bashing that's come along with it is super unfair. I personally would love to be a stay-at-home mom and cook all our meals and clean the house and write things. I don't think that's the right way, that's just a way that would bring me joy. And I do think there are very real differences between men and women--how they process the world and respond and their needs and desires. But more importantly I think we all need to come to terms with the fact that we're not all that good. And come to realize that we're all ridiculously loved anyway. Wouldn't that change things?

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